Spotting a Dysregulated Nervous System: A Somatic Guide for Healing Professionals – Regulation

We're back with another 3-part series! This week, we're diving into the hidden signs of a dysregulated nervous system and how it can manifest both emotionally and physically. Follow along for practical tips and insights on how to support your clients' well-being through a somatic approach.

In our previous posts, we've explored the emotional and physical signs of a dysregulated nervous system. We've talked about how it can manifest as anxiety, panic, chronic pain, digestive issues, and more. And here's the good news: there's hope for healing.

Enter breathwork and somatic healing.

Somatic healing is all about working with the body's innate wisdom to promote regulation and well-being. It recognizes that our emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations are deeply interconnected. When we address the body, we can create a ripple effect that positively impacts the mind and spirit.

The Magic of Breathwork for Nervous System Regulation

If you're looking for a powerful tool to add to your healing toolbox, breathwork is a great place to start. Recent and ongoing research is proving that breathwork can help to:

  • Activate the parasympathetic nervous system: This is the "rest and digest" branch of the nervous system, responsible for calming us down and promoting relaxation.

  • Reduce stress hormones: Breathwork can lower levels of cortisol, the body's main stress hormone.

  • Increase self-awareness: By focusing on the breath, clients can develop a deeper understanding of their internal states and learn to self-regulate their emotions.

  • Release stored emotions and trauma: Breathwork can help to access and process emotions that may be trapped in the body.

Transforming Lives: The Ripple Effects of Breathwork

Integrating somatic practices, like breathwork, into your work with clients can be transformative. It can help them to:

  • Develop a stronger mind-body connection

  • Reduce anxiety and stress

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Boost energy levels

  • Increase resilience to life's challenges

  • Incorporating Somatic Healing: Your Next Steps

So, how can you start incorporating breathwork into your practice?

Education and Exploration: Find Your Path

Educate yourself: There are many different breathwork techniques and somatic modalities out there. Explore different options and find what resonates with you.

Your Experience Matters: Your Breathwork Journey

Experiment with it yourself: The best way to understand the power of breathwork is to experience it firsthand. Start by incorporating simple breathing exercises into your own daily routine.

Gradual Integration: Guiding Clients to Wellness

Integrate it gradually: Once you feel comfortable, start introducing breathwork or other somatic practices to your clients. Begin with short, simple exercises and gradually increase the duration and complexity as they feel ready.

The Journey Begins: Embracing Transformation

Remember that breathwork and healing is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and a willingness to explore the depths of the mind-body connection. But the rewards are immeasurable.

✨ So friends, if you’re ready to incorporate breathwork into your healing practice, our breathwork certification is enrolling. Connect with one of our Flow Breathwork Mentors to chat about joining. You can also read all about the training at


Wellness for People Who Don’t Have Time


Spotting a Dysregulated Nervous System: A Somatic Guide for Healing Professionals – Physical Cues