
Breather’s Digest

Breathwork tips, resources, and experiences by Flow Breathwork Facilitators

Shanila Sattar Shanila Sattar

Wellness for People Who Don’t Have Time

Let’s admit it. You have a lot to do. You have a lot on your plate. And frankly, you don’t have a lot of time. Actually, that might not really be the case but that’s the story we’re going to stick to today. So, what does it mean to care for yourself when you don’t feel like you have a lot of time? Are your self-care practices needing an hour and a half for a bath? Is it about being able to take time off and do a whole self-care day? Or are there some simple ways that you can start to practice holistic wellness without sacrificing more of your time?

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Flow Breathwork Training Flow Breathwork Training

Breathwork, and Make it Fun: Seven Reasons to Join Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training

Are you feeling a little extra intrigued by the magic of breathwork? Maybe you've experienced a session, or perhaps your intuition is simply whispering, "Hey, this could be fun!" If you're a healer, coach, therapist, or just someone who loves all things wellness, becoming a breathwork facilitator might be your next big adventure. Why Flow Breathwork, you ask? Weeelll, let us count the ways.

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Flow Breathwork Training Flow Breathwork Training

Energies We Tend to Neglect as Healers

Healers who are committed to nurturing and restoring the well-being of others are conduits of energy and skilled in various modalities and practices. Here’s a shortlist of energies to be mindful of for nurturing our own vitality as we guide our clients and communities on their path.

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Flow Breathwork Training Flow Breathwork Training

Is Your Nervous System in Overload?

As life keeps lifing, it's easy to dismiss body pains as a mere consequence of stress or physical exertion. But beneath the surface, these persistent discomforts could be a signal of something deeper – an overloaded nervous system that’s burdened by unexpressed emotions and unresolved trauma.

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