3 Ways to Practice Wellness for Those Who Don’t Have Time

1. Breathwork

This is an absolute non-negotiable. Our breath dictates the way that we feel on a day-to-day. Most of us are chronic breath holders without meaning to be. Even if you just observe your self right now, notice how it is that you are breathing. Are you holding your breath?


This is super common for many people. And it makes you feel like your nervous system is in a high alert mode. Your stress responses activate, cortisol begins to release, and you enter a sympathetic nervous state where things just feel a little bit more stressful than they are.

By doing super easy, yet effective breathing throughout the day, you can improve your stress levels, mood, energy, inner healing, grounding, and sleep for later in the night.

The nice thing about breathwork and breathing techniques is that you can do them at any time in the day. You don’t need to have a whole meditation session or set aside a bunch of time to get this done. You can literally be in your car driving and doing a breathing technique. You can be on a zoom call and mindfully inhale and exhale. You can practice 6–7–8 breath anytime you want to calm and cool your nervous system.

Find one or two techniques that you can remember very easily and stick to those as your go-tos.

Read the full article here on Thrive:


Interested to become a certified flow breathwork facilitator?
Join us for Sunday night breathwork with certified facilitators.
Our free community of self exploration.


Flow Breathwork Facilitator training is highly decolonized with a BIPOC lens, empowers you to both become a facilitator within your community, and receive deep healing for yourself on your personal growth journey.

FLOW Breathwork is a blend of ancient breathwork, movement, energy healing, the elements, and embodiment informed by studies in wisdom traditions. It’s truly the most potent form of somatic healing that lets you tap into both the masculine and feminine energies in the body.


REPLAY: Self-Love + Empowerment Breathwork with Kaya Hampton


Optimizing Wellness in the Workplace