Optimizing Wellness in the Workplace

Q: For the sake of inspiring others, we would love to hear about five steps or initiatives that companies have taken to help improve or optimize their employees’ mental wellness. Can you please share a story or example for each?

Of course, our breathwork facilitators have been at the forefront of this, as well as our Breathwork Club that hosted over 20,000 people over COVID to have free Sunday night breathing classes. We’re continuously offering group meditations, sound baths, and breathwork sessions to companies who are getting privy to look after their employees’ wellbeing.

  1. Have a holistic approach — When we talk about employee wellness, we have to stop separating it to only mental wellness. A holistic approach means that we think about a person as whole being with mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. In the recent past, many wellness programs only focused on one aspect of this — offering gym memberships, meditations, yoga, and other beautiful practices, but no deeper support for the physical practices to integrate through the emotional and mental bodies. Mental health shows up in the body, physical health shows up in the mind, emotional health shows up spiritually. Everything is all connected and are always information each other. The holistic approach relies on balance and have options to support different components of a person’s wellbeing. The one size fits all mentality isn’t helpful in this day and age, and it’s great that there are so many different facilitators who practice different modalities.

Read the full interview here on Medium:


Interested to become a certified flow breathwork facilitator?
Join us for Sunday night breathwork with certified facilitators.
Our free community of self exploration.


Flow Breathwork Facilitator training is highly decolonized with a BIPOC lens, empowers you to both become a facilitator within your community, and receive deep healing for yourself on your personal growth journey.

FLOW Breathwork is a blend of ancient breathwork, movement, energy healing, the elements, and embodiment informed by studies in wisdom traditions. It’s truly the most potent form of somatic healing that lets you tap into both the masculine and feminine energies in the body.


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