AAPI Representation and Mental Health Awareness Month

AAPI heritage month during mental health awareness month is particularly interesting. There is AAPI heritage month during mental health awareness month is particularly interesting. There is an obvious lack of elevation of AAPI folk specifically in the health and wellness, particularly Yoga, breathwork, and holistic wellness sector during this time. And while initially we can say, “hey where is the diversity and inclusion? Where is the representation?” There is a bigger conversation to be had around the safety AAPI feel around having mental health conversations to begin with.

Read the full article here on Thrive Global:


Interested to become a certified flow breathwork facilitator?
Join us for Sunday night breathwork with certified facilitators.
Our free community of self exploration.


Flow Breathwork Facilitator training is highly decolonized with a BIPOC lens, empowers you to both become a facilitator within your community, and receive deep healing for yourself on your personal growth journey.

FLOW Breathwork is a blend of ancient breathwork, movement, energy healing, the elements, and embodiment informed by studies in wisdom traditions. It’s truly the most potent form of somatic healing that lets you tap into both the masculine and feminine energies in the body.


Optimizing Wellness in the Workplace


Inner Flow Breathwork with Shanila