Beyond the Breath: Flow Breathwork Certification Cultivates Cultural Competency in Healing Practices

Cultural competence and sensitivity are essential principles that shape the effectiveness and inclusivity of healing practices. In Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training, these principles are not just emphasized; they are woven into the very fabric of the training.

We celebrate our commitment to decolonization and centering the experiences of BIPOC. Our trauma informed breathwork training goes beyond teaching "how" to facilitate breathwork; from the start, we root ourselves in acknowledgement of the indigenous traditions of our practice, and our group spaces prioritize the co-creation of safety and radical self-accountability. This way, every member of our community understands they each have a role in co-creating a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and respected.

One of the key tenets of our training is the incorporation of diverse cultural practices and traditions. We recognize that breathwork is not one-size-fits-all and that different communities have unique needs and perspectives. By incorporating a variety of cultural approaches, we honor the richness of the human experience and our practitioners feel empowered to curate their techniques in a way that feels authentic to them, better equipping them to meet the unique needs of the clients and communities they serve with genuine confidence.

We also prioritize inclusivity and accessibility in our program by offering scholarships and sliding scale pricing. We believe that financial barriers should never stand in the way of accessing healing modalities, especially for marginalized communities who have historically been underserved in the wellness industry.

But our commitment to cultural competence doesn't end with the certification process. We provide ongoing education and resources on cultural sensitivity in the healing industry, encouraging our practitioners to continuously educate themselves and collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds. We emphasize the importance of anti-oppressive and anti-racist practices, urging practitioners to listen, learn, and center marginalized voices.

Flow Breathwork Certification is more than just a training—it's a commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable system for healing and wellness. By prioritizing cultural competence and sensitivity, our healing artists and practitioners are empowered to serve their clients with confidence and efficiency, and we’re doing our part to create a world where everyone can experience healing and improve their well-being, regardless of their background or identity.

Interested in approaching somatic healing and breathwork through a decolonized lens? Join our community of healers who are committed to the deeper work beyond how to become a breath coach:


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