Awakening Your Inner Healer: 3 Signs to Look Out For

Have you ever felt like there was a part of you that was just waiting to awaken? A part of you that was meant for something bigger and more meaningful? If you're nodding your head, then you might be ready to awaken your inner healer. In this episode of the Playground Podcast, Shanila discusses the three signs to look out for when you're awakening your inner healer.

1. Intuition Is Out Of Control

The first sign that your inner healer is awakening is that your intuition is out of control. You have this gut feeling, this inner knowing that you're supposed to be doing something different. And it's not just a feeling; it shows up as a physical sensation right in the pit of your stomach. When you go to make decisions, you get this feeling that the connect, the part of you that already has a lot of connection to your intuition is just heightened, it's expansive, and it just feels louder. So start to notice if there are things that your intuition has been really on point about lately. Have you been right about things? Are you getting feelings about certain things and just have this inner knowing?

2. Low Tolerance

The second sign is that your tolerance for certain things is very low. You just have no tolerance for certain types of energy. Things that used to light you up or excite you, you're just not really interested in anymore. You might even be getting irritated or feeling grumpy about putting up with old stuff. As your inner healer awakens, you have a little bit more boundaries for yourself. You have a little more understanding of your own personal needs, and so in that process, the tolerance that you have to put up with old crap, the old ways, the old stories, the old attitudes, you're just not about it anymore.

3. Desire To Do Something Different

The third sign that your inner healer is awakening is this huge desire to do something different. You're getting this desire to be of service. You want to do a different thing. You want a different outcome. You want a different product from society, and this makes you want to change up a couple of different, very, very small but important things in your life. You might start to notice that your tolerance for certain foods is different. You might also notice that you're interested in different things that you weren't interested in before.


If you're feeling these signs, then you might be ready to awaken your inner healer. Everyone has healing capacities, and everyone is a self-healer with the ability to do healing work. It's just a matter of listening to your intuition, developing better boundaries, and being open to doing new things.

If you want to learn more about how to awaken your inner healer, check out Shanila's podcast episode “3 Signs Your Inner Healer is Awakening". In this episode, she answers the most asked question in her DMs and provides some great tips on how to get started.

Remember, your inner healer is waiting for you to awaken. Don't be afraid to take that first step!

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