Why a lot of Healing Containers Fail

Healing containers, those magical spaces where we can find solace and healing for our wounded souls. But wait, why do so many of these containers fail to deliver the desired results? Well, the answer lies in our understanding of individualistic and collectivist cultures. In societies that value independence and self-reliance, we often try to tackle our healing journeys alone, overlooking the vital role of community. We end up forcing square pegs into round holes, ignoring the teachings and traditions that emphasize the power of being perceived and held by others. Time to dive deeper into this intriguing phenomenon!

Understanding Healing Containers

Healing containers refer to the spaces or methods that facilitate healing and transformation. These containers provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their emotions, experiences, and inner selves. However, despite their potential, healing containers often fall short of their intended purpose.

Challenges of Individualistic Healing

Individualistic cultures tend to prioritize self-help, self-improvement, and self-care, which can lead to a mindset of "doing it all on our own." This mentality can create a sense of isolation and hinder the healing process. It's important to recognize the limitations of individualistic healing and explore the benefits of communal support.

Individualistic vs. Collectivist Cultures

On the other side of the cultural spectrum, we have collectivist cultures. These are the lands where community reigns supreme, and the "we" trumps the "I." It's all about interdependence, cooperation, and the importance of communal support. In collectivist cultures, healing is seen as a shared responsibility, not just an individual pursuit.

Finding Balance: Incorporating Community in Healing

While it's important to value individual growth and self-care, it's equally important to recognize the role of community in healing. By seeking out like-minded individuals and building supportive relationships, we can create a healing container that is stronger and more effective than anything we can build on our own. It's about finding balance between personal growth and community support.

Importance of Community Support in Healing

When it comes to healing, it's easy to get caught up in the idea of doing it all on our own. After all, we live in a society that glorifies individualism. But here's the truth: healing is not a one-person job; it requires a community.

One of the key aspects of community support in healing is the shared experiences and perspectives. When we connect with others who have gone through similar struggles, we gain a sense of validation. It's like finding a tribe that truly understands what we're going through, and that validation can be incredibly healing.

Emotional support also plays a vital role in the healing process. When we have a supportive community, we feel safe to express our emotions and vulnerabilities. We know that we are not alone in our pain, and that can be a tremendous source of comfort.

Another aspect is accountability and motivation. When we have others cheering us on and holding us accountable, it becomes easier to stay committed to our healing journey. We are less likely to give up when we have a community that believes in us and encourages us to keep going.

Finding a balance between personal growth and community support is essential. While it's important to value individual growth and self-care, it's equally important to recognize the role of community in healing. By seeking out like-minded individuals and building supportive relationships, we can create a healing container that is stronger and more effective than anything we can build on our own.


Healing containers can be powerful tools for transformation, but they often fall short of their potential. By understanding the cultural dynamics of individualism and collectivism, we can recognize the importance of community support in healing. It's time to embrace the power of communal healing and seek out the support we need to thrive.

Additional Resources

  • Check out The Playground Podcast episode on why a lot of healing containers fail here.


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