
Breather’s Digest

Breathwork tips, resources, and experiences by Flow Breathwork Facilitators

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Breathe Deeper, Stress Less: How Breathwork Can Rebalance Your Body

Stress is a fact of life, but how we manage it can make all the difference for our health and happiness. Did you know that your body has a built-in stress response system called the HPA-axis? It's a complex network of glands and hormones that helps us cope with challenges, but when it's constantly triggered, it can lead to burnout and even health problems.

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Flow Breathwork Community Flow Breathwork Community

What is the Science behind Nervous System Regulation?

Learn about the fascinating world of nervous system regulation in our latest blog post! Discover how the different parts of the nervous system work together to keep us healthy and safe, and the adverse effects of a dysregulated nervous system on our physical and mental health. We also explore the emerging technique of breathwork as a promising method for regulating the nervous system and managing stress. Don't miss out on this informative read!

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Flow Breathwork Community Flow Breathwork Community

Exploring the Different Levels of Safety in Somatic Healing Work

Learn how to approach somatic healing work with caution and care in this informative blog post. Shanila Sattar explores the different levels of somatic work and provides tips to help you decide which level is right for you. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this post will help you understand the importance of safety in somatic healing work.

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Flow Breathwork Community Flow Breathwork Community

The Power of Breathwork in Healing Trauma

Incorporating breathwork into our daily lives can help us regulate our triggers and emotional responses, tune into the present moment, and release the condensed emotions that have been collecting in different parts of the body. In this blog post, we explore how breathwork can help in healing trauma and transmuting negative energy into positive energy. Learn more about the power of breathwork and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

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Flow Breathwork Community Flow Breathwork Community

Breathwork: The Somatic Healing Tool for Mind, Body, and Spirit

In this blog post, we explore the power of breathwork and its holistic benefits. Breathwork has made a comeback in the traditional health and wellness industry, with therapists, nurses, coaches, doctors, and recovery centers incorporating it into their work. By understanding its power and incorporating it into our daily lives, we can improve our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

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Flow Breathwork Community Flow Breathwork Community

Why a lot of Healing Containers Fail

Learn why healing containers often fail to deliver the desired results and how understanding the cultural dynamics of individualism and collectivism can help us embrace the power of communal healing. Explore the importance of community support in healing and find a balance between personal growth and communal support.

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Flow Breathwork Community Flow Breathwork Community

Steps to Regulate the Nervous System (for Coaches)

As a coach, it's important to understand how to regulate your clients' nervous systems. Encourage your clients to have awareness of their bodies and recognize when something feels off. Teach them to utilize nervous system regulation tools and help them work through any shame or guilt they might feel. Finally, remind them that regulating their nervous system is a process that takes time and practice, and that discomfort and shadow work are a normal part of that process. With your guidance and support, your clients can achieve a more regulated nervous system and a more balanced life. Check out the full blog post for more information and tips on how to help your clients regulate their nervous systems.

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