Steps to Regulate the Nervous System (for Coaches)

We all have moments where we feel like our body is working against us. Maybe we're overthinking, feeling anxious or depressed, or just generally burnt out. These feelings are often a result of dysregulation in our nervous system. But what exactly does that mean, and how can we work to regulate our nervous system and find balance?

Step 1: Recognize Dysregulation

The first step in regulating your nervous system is to recognize when it's dysregulated in the first place. This can be easier said than done, but it starts with having awareness of your body and recognizing when something feels off. This might manifest as feelings of anxiety, depression, feeling overworked, or just generally stressed.

It's also important to recognize that we can become desensitized to unhealthy behaviors because they've become normalized for us. This might be due to societal norms or our upbringing, but it's important to acknowledge that these behaviors might not actually be serving us.

Finally, pay attention to how dysregulation feels in your body. Does it feel like a weight being lifted off your shoulders? Do you feel constriction or expansion in your heart? Do you experience a ping in your stomach? By recognizing these physical sensations, you can start to work on regulating your nervous system.

Step 2: De-Shame

Shame can be a powerful deterrent when it comes to making positive changes in our lives. But when we learn to utilize nervous system regulation tools and teach them to our clients, we're taking a step in the right direction. The first step in de-shaming is adjusting your attitude towards shame. Instead of feeling guilty or ashamed for wanting to change something in your life, recognize that it's a natural part of growth and development.

It's also important to acknowledge that there might be some shame in taking responsibility for our habits. But by recognizing this shame and working to reprogram our mindset, we can move forward in a positive way.

Step 3: Recognize that there is no race

Regulating your nervous system is not a quick fix. It's a process that takes time, patience, and practice. Don't measure your progress in terms of how quickly you're able to regulate your nervous system. Instead, focus on the process and the steps you're taking to get there.

It's also important to recognize that discomfort and shadow work are a natural part of the process. The force can hold us back when we try to skip over these steps, but by embracing them we can achieve long-lasting results.


Regulating your nervous system is an important step towards achieving balance in your life. By recognizing dysregulation, de-shaming, and understanding that it's a process, not a race, you can start to work towards a more regulated nervous system. Remember that it's okay to take things slow and that discomfort and shadow work are a natural part of the process. With time and practice, you can achieve a more balanced life. For more information on regulating your nervous system, check out The Playground Podcast episode related to this post.

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Overthinking and the Mind-Body Connection with Shanila Sattar


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