Overthinking and the Mind-Body Connection with Shanila Sattar

Overthinking is a common problem that many people face. It can lead to stress, anxiety, and even physical health problems. But did you know that the mind and body are connected in more ways than we realize? In this episode of the The Playground Podcast: "Overthinking and the Mind Body Connection," Shanila Sattar discusses the different parts of the body that give us information and how we can use this knowledge to overcome overthinking.

The Mind-Body Connection

We have multiple brains in our body, but we only have training in one (the mind). The linear logic information comes from the mind, but there are also neurons in the heart and stomach that talk to us in a completely different way. When all of these brains are talking to each other, it's called coherence. This coherence is important because it helps us make better decisions and improves our overall well-being.

Applying the Knowledge

Sattar uses the analogy of a roundtable dinner party to explain how we can apply this knowledge to overcome overthinking. Imagine you invite three people to a roundtable dinner party, but you ignore two of them. If you're an overthinker that does this behavior, think of it in terms of having three friends who are here to hang out with you. You may have one best friend that you know better, but you still need to include the other two. Do this by explaining the inside jokes and slang that you two carry. Be the translator to help all three friends communicate together.

Connecting with Your Gut and Heart Space

So, are you a bad host? Do you ignore your brain, gut, or heart? Are you actively looking for places to talk to all three? According to Sattar, connecting with your gut and heart space is essential to overcoming overthinking. You can do this through movement, elemental, and energy sciences.

Movement is a great way to connect with your body and get out of your head. Whether it's yoga, dance, or another form of exercise, moving your body can help you feel more grounded and present. Elemental sciences, such as aromatherapy and crystal healing, can also help you connect with your body and the world around you. Finally, energy sciences, such as Reiki and acupuncture, can help you balance your energy and improve your overall well-being.


By understanding the mind-body connection and using techniques like movement, elemental, and energy sciences, we can overcome overthinking and improve our overall well-being. So, the next time you find yourself overthinking, try connecting with your gut and heart space and see how it can help you feel more grounded and present.

If you're interested in learning more about these techniques and how they can help you overcome overthinking, there are many resources available. Whether it's through books, classes, community, or online courses, there are many ways to explore these different sciences and find the ones that work best for you.

Additional Resources


The Power of Psychosomatic Healing


Steps to Regulate the Nervous System (for Coaches)