How Somatic Healing Can Transform Your Coaching Practice

In this day and age, if you're not including somatic healing in your coaching practice, you're missing out on a crucial piece of the puzzle. In this blog post, we'll explore what somatic healing is and how it can transform your coaching practice.

What is Somatic Healing?

Somatic healing is a body-based approach that allows emotions to move through the body. It's about feeling through things and leaning into the movement, embodiment, and somatics. The word soma literally means body, and body-based healing is about moving through emotions that are held in specific parts of the body.

The Importance of Somatic Healing in Coaching

If you're a coach, you know that the biggest transformations that people go through are those where they feel empowered to embody themselves. However, if you're only listening to one part of your body, you're missing out on two-thirds of the other brains that we have in the body. We have other neurons that are giving us information, very tangible pieces of information that can't be processed through just by thinking about it.

The Benefits of Somatic Healing

Somatic healing allows your clients to understand that there's a different layer to their healing that might not be captured by just the activity alone. It's not about hyper-sexualizing your body or being so liberated that you do X, Y, and Z. It's about balancing the masculine and the feminine energy, allowing your emotions to move through, and feeling into your body.

The Role of Movement in Somatic Healing

Movement is an essential part of somatic healing. Somatic healing feels like 20 years of therapy, and if you haven't experienced it, then you don't know. Different tools like dancing, yoga, and breathwork can be used in somatic healing. As a coach, it's essential to understand that there's a certain layer to somebody's healing and transformation that can't be captured by just working through brain only.

How to Incorporate Somatic Healing into Your Coaching Practice

It's vital to understand that the mindset work that we do, the cognitive work that we do, the linear, systematic parts of the work that we do, are only one-third of the work. The other two-thirds of the work remain in the body, in physical somatic body. And so it's important that we incorporate somatic healing into our coaching practice. Find the people who fill in the gaps for you. So, if you don't cover all ten things, cover six of them and find four people to cover the rest of the four.


In conclusion, somatic healing is an essential part of any coaching practice. It's a body-based approach that allows emotions to move through the body. Somatic healing is about feeling through things and leaning into the movement, embodiment, and somatics. Incorporating somatic healing into your coaching practice is crucial for your clients to feel empowered to embody themselves. Different tools like dancing, yoga, and breathwork can be used in somatic healing. Remember, the world is your playground, and until next time, let's play.

Additional Resources


Awakening Your Inner Healer: 3 Signs to Look Out For


The Power of Psychosomatic Healing