Signs Your Nervous System Sends Throughout the Day

Pssst …. your body’s talking to you, are you listening?

Your nervous system is your body's built-in messenger, constantly sending signals about how you're doing – from a gentle "all is well" to a blaring alarm of "time to panic!" And everything in between.

Make it a practice to tune into these subtle shifts throughout your day, and you can learn to understand and regulate your nervous system. This will not only bring more ease into your body but also help you to step out of that persistent survival mode that so many of us find ourselves in.

When uncomfortable moments arise, can you pause, take a breath, and find your center?

The more secure and safe you feel, the more you'll experience a sense of flow and alignment. Your creativity will flourish, manifestations will appear, and a lightness of being will emerge.

Here are a few common signals your nervous system might be sending:

  1. Tummy Signals: Do you frequently experience butterflies or bubble guts before diving into your inbox?

  2. Body Signals: Notice … do your shoulders tense up around certain friends or in specific social situations?

  3. Heart Signals: Do you feel a pulling sensation in your chest after saying “yes” to something you really didn’t want to?

These are just a few examples of how your body communicates with you. By paying attention to these signs, you can start to uncover what your nervous system is trying to tell you. This awareness is the first step towards creating a deeper sense of well-being and balance within yourself.

✨ Would you love to learn how to listen to your body through the language of breathwork? Enrollment for our breathwork certification is open! Learn more:


Breathwork can be ORGASMIC


Breathwork and Leadership in Underserved Communities with Teddie Hill | Flow Breathwork Facilitator Student Spotlight Series