Breathwork, Money Habits, and Nervous System Regulation with Niki Ferguson | Flow Breathwork Facilitator Student Spotlight Series

Meet Niki of @wildly_worthy

🌟 Niki is a Money Well-Being Coach. She guides coaches, creators, and healers through their money management with a regulated nervous system.

Niki says:

  • Healing your relationship with money is healing a part of yourself.

  • It’s not about the money. It’s about what money can do for us that gives us more joy and freedom in our day-to-day lives.

  • When we can trust ourselves with money, we can put that money on autopilot and not have to sit down and do calculations every single month. The money automatically goes where it is supposed to go because we set it up that way.

In this convo we talked about:

💰 Money habits and nervous system regulation

😵‍💫 Overthinking & perfectionism

👯‍♀️ Self-compassion and community

Catch the full conversation here.

✨ Ready to shift habits for yourself and your clients through nervous system regulation? Learn how by becoming a certified Flow Breathwork Facilitator: Here's the syllabus.


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