Intuitively Rooted and The Inner Medicine of Breathwork with Vonree Mao on The Playground Podcast

On Ep 76 of The Playground Podcast: Intuitively Rooted and The Inner Medicine of Breathwork, we spoke with Vonree Mao about healing powers of touch as a massage therapist, intentional energy exchange, and being in tune with your body.

After a few experiences with breathwork, she realized she would fall asleep and how much she needed the sleep. She would find herself “floating” (deep theta state), feel rejuvenated, and notice the relief of tension she felt in her pelvic floor. After starting her breathwork journey during her yoga practice/training and experiencing breathwork sessions with Shanila, she needed people to experience breathwork and made the transition from massage therapy, adding this as another tool in her energy healing practice.

These different energy exchanges, breathwork, massage therapy, yoga, are all forms of energy exchange. Getting your nails done, and getting a haircut, are forms of this as well. It’s important to be intentional about the ways we share our energy.

“I want people to have a different perception of things. Guide people to heal, to be aware of what's going on in them because it’s also what’s going on around them.”

These healing modalities are ancient practices. While there may not have been the words, numbers, facts, or communicative science to explain why these practices heal thousands of years ago, it does. What does it mean to breathe into our third eye? How do you feel when you breathe into your belly (where emotions are stored)? These are questions that we ask our clients in order to bring both science and our intuition into play for our healing.

Listen to the full conversation here.

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Shanila Sattar is the founder of Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training, author of Breathe, a 4th generation sound healer, women’s researcher, national speaker, and host of a Top 6 podcast, The Playground. She is the creator of AlwaysPlay Studios and The Integrative Healing Academy, where she trains sound healers, breathwork facilitators, and mentors aspiring healers in the healing arts.


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