Facilitators' Corner Testimonial: Hosting Self-Love Breathwork

Certified Flow Breathwork Facilitator, Kathleen Aharonian, hosted a session on Self-Love inside The Breathwork Club.

It was truly an honor to host a Breathwork experience inside the Breathwork club! Especially about something so dear to my heart which is Self-Love! So many of us walk around carrying so much pain/hurt and it's heavy! We don't recognize how truly amazing we are just for being us. We've taken on things people have said/done to us and internalized it and then we do it to ourselves. I've been there! And I am still on this journey with everyone shedding these layers. So to be able to hold this space for everyone and see the shifts that take place in front of my eyes in a 60/90 minute session brings me so much joy and happiness.

Shanila has truly put together an amazing community and I am grateful to be a-part of it and to have been trusted to hold such a sacred space for everyone who attended and to everyone who'll continue to catch the replay. If you haven't caught it yet, I highly encourage you to watch it.

Feel free to reach out and share your experiences. I truly love hearing about it. Everyone was so engaged and willing to share. The open-ness and vulnerability we got to create in such a short amount of time was truly special. I can't wait to hold the next one and see what unfolds. If you are thinking about facilitating, I highly recommend and encourage you to do so! If you're looking to join the club in general I'd say def. check it out!-

Sending so much Love, Light and Magic XOXO Kathleen Aharonian.

This article was contributed by Certified Flow Breathwork Facilitator, Kathleen Aharonian

I am Kathleen Aharonian an embodiment coach for women and Breathwork facilitator! I went from not being able to look at myself in the mirror. Severe mental + physical abuse, PTSD, severe social anxiety, constantly beating myself up and zero self-worth. To loving myself and reclaiming my power and now I am so passionate about guiding other women on their own journey.


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