Breathing Techniques vs. Breathwork For Healing

Learning breathing techniques and doing breathwork for healing are completely separate, and here is why.

If you’re a coach, healer, therapist, wellness practitioner, you’re someone in the healing arts, you’ve heard the words breathwork, nervous system, nervous system regulation, nervous system dysregulation, but what does that have to do with BREATHING?

Long story short, your nervous system is this antennae that is always detecting whether or not it is SAFE in all the ways - emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, socially - in all the ways! And determining, “Am I safe? Yes or no?”

And when we’re holding our breath, the signal that we’re getting is that we’re suffocating. We’re in survival mode and we want to get out of that. The breath comes into play because the way that your mind and your body communicate is through...the breath.

The key difference between learning breathing techniques vs. doing breathwork for healing is that one WILL trigger you (your sympathetic nervous system, survival mode, suppressed memories, to name a few elements).

So as a breather, it’s great to know what your intentions are in your practice. Do you want tools for the everyday practice? Learning techniques from Breathe or many of our free practices on are great to have.

As a practitioner, it’s great to know what you want to hold space for. Do you want to show people everyday breathing techniques? Great. Or are you building the skillset for the next layer of facilitation? Hope this helps!

And of course, you can come study with us at We’re holding space for practitioners who are ready to lead life changing containers for their communities.

Here are some additional resources to support you in getting started on your breathwork journey:

Practice breathwork with us

Discover your healer archetype

Free download: Somatic Flow Breathwork Techniques for Coaches and Healers

💕 Flow21 - self-paced journey in somatic healing through movement, elemental, and energy sciences

📖 My breathwork Book


Creating Connections Across the Ether with Flow Breathwork Facilitator Tamara Glover | Student Love Series


Is Your Nervous System in Overload?