BIPOC Healers, You Are Needed!

In the Healing Arts, BIPOC healers can light healing paths which honor the complexities of lived experiences that have been marginalized in traditional wellness spaces. As practitioners, their presence reshapes this narrative with more inclusive and authentic approaches to healing that cannot be replicated.  Here's why we need BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) healers to take center stage in the healing arts.

Unique Lived Experiences

Lived experiences are like fingerprints; no two are alike. BIPOC communities represent a collective of histories, cultures, and struggles that are often dismissed or minimized in mainstream wellness spaces.  The most powerful and sustainable transformations happen for clients when they’re able to connect with healers who truly understand the nuances and unique challenges that they’re experiencing. Representation matters, and BIPOC healers play a crucial role in creating that connection on an experiential level.

Harm Reduction

Wellness spaces have not always been the sanctuary they are meant to be for people of the global majority. Macro and micro aggressions have often been normalized, perpetuating harm and violence, even in spaces that claim to be healing. BIPOC healers actively engage in harm reduction by addressing and dismantling these normalized aggressions. The lived experiences they share with their clients gives BIPOC healers a depth of insight that supports them in creating a safe space for clients to explore their healing journey without the burden of additional harm.


Safety in healing spaces doesn’t happen just because you say “this is a safe space”; it’s a collaborative dance between the space holder and their clients to co-create emotional, mental, physical, and energetic safety together. Because of their shared lived experiences, BIPOC healers inherently understand some of the nuances within the communities they serve.  It’s this deep, visceral understanding that allows BIPOC healers to address the safety needs of their clients, establishing the trust needed to create spaces where meaningful healing can blossom.  

Ultimately, the Healing Arts and Wellness industry is incomplete without the voices and perspectives of BIPOC healers. Their unique insights, commitment to harm reduction, and dedication to safety make them priceless contributors to the transformative journey of healing for everyone.

Are you an aspiring or current BIPOC Healer who would love to bring breathwork to your communities? We’d love to welcome you into our training:


Breathwork, Liberation, and Connecting Back to Nature with Hillarie Maddox | Flow Breathwork Facilitator Student Spotlight Series


Healing the Hustle with Flow Breathwork Facilitator Megan Real | Student Love Series