REPLAY: Raise Your Vibe and Attract Your Desires with Kathleen Aharonian

During this Breathwork experience we'll be clearing out the past, shifting our energy/vibe and planting Manifestation seeds. No more playing small! Ask for exactly what you desire and release the bold baddie that lives within you and is waiting to come out and play. During this session we'll bring them to the surface so they can start running the show in your life.

Raise Your Vibe and Attract Your Desires with Kathleen Aharonian

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This article was contributed by Certified Flow Breathwork Facilitator, Kathleen Aharonian

I am Kathleen Aharonian an embodiment coach for women and Breathwork facilitator! I went from not being able to look at myself in the mirror. Severe mental + physical abuse, PTSD, severe social anxiety, constantly beating myself up and zero self-worth. To loving myself and reclaiming my power and now I am so passionate about guiding other women on their own journey.


REPLAY: New Moon Intentions + Reiki Breathwork with Jamie Schumann


REPLAY: Self-Love Breathwork with Kathleen Aharonian