REPLAY: New Moon Intentions + Reiki Breathwork with Jamie Schumann

Begin again under the potent energy of the New Moon! During this session we will check in with the current energies of the New Moon. We will do a brief somatic intention writing exercise for planting the seed of the new lunar cycle. We will then participate in a breathwork session with a unique and intentionally crafted playlist to animate our intention through mind, body, emotions and spirit. Distance Reiki will be delivered to all participants during the integration period.

New Moon Intentions + Reiki Breathwork with Jamie Schumann

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Catch our conversation with Jamie, Trusting Subtle Energy Bodies and Breathwork

This article was contributed by Certified Flow Breathwork Facilitator, Jamie Schumann.

Jamie is a former career counselor turned Breathwork Coach combining Reiki, lunar cycles, and basic astrology throughout her work. She loves creating expansive experiences for herself and others through holistic, practical and radical self-care. As Creatirix of The Garden, she shares how she uses breathwork to support self - awareness, self - love, self - trust and self - acceptance for embodying wholeness.


REPLAY: Creative Energy Breathwork with Justine Vu


REPLAY: Raise Your Vibe and Attract Your Desires with Kathleen Aharonian