Facilitators' Corner Testimonial: Hosting Self-Love + Empowerment Breathwork

Certified Flow Breathwork Facilitator, Kaya Hampton, hosted a session on Self-Love + Empowerment inside The Breathwork Club.

Here is what they had to say and their experiences hosting:

I hosted the Breathwork Club exactly one year from the date of my very first workshop. It was full-circle and such a wonderful experience.

My session was on Self-Love & Empowerment and hearing everyone's shares about stepping into their power lit me up. I was buzzing for days after.

Shanila set me up for success! You will be supported both before and after facilitating! Let's do It!

This article was contributed by Certified Flow Breathwork Facilitator, Kaya Hampton.

Kaya is a Transformation Coach, Breathwork Facilitator, & Creative from the DMV area. Her passion is awakening creatives to their abundance and guiding them to design a life that reflects the truth of who they are.


Breathe: A Breathwork Book


Facilitators' Corner Testimonial: Hosting Creative Energy Breathwork