Three Mistakes New Healers Make

So you've answered the call and have started your adventure to sharing your gifts as a healer - congrats for taking the first courageous step in this journey! As you navigate the early stages of your practice, it's natural to encounter a few common challenges. But don't worry, embrace these as opportunities for growth! We're exploring three typical hurdles that new healers face and ways to empower your clients as they navigate their own healing journeys.

Trauma Bonding: The Shadow Side of Shared Stories

Sharing stories and experiences can be empowering, but it's easy to cross a line. When healing circles focus heavily on reliving past traumas, the group can become trapped in a cycle of emotional re-traumatization. Instead of fostering healing, this can strengthen trauma bonds and stifle the actual transformation. As the facilitator, it's your responsibility to create a safe container where your clients can process emotions without feeling obligated to share their deepest wounds.

Open-Ended Containers: A Recipe for Confusion

New practitioners often try to be everything to everyone, offering generalist healing spaces that cater to diverse needs. While well-intentioned, this approach often lacks clarity and direction. Both you and your clients can feel lost in the process. To create meaningful transformation, define the intention of your container. What specific outcomes do you want to facilitate for your clients? With a clear focus, you can tailor your sessions to meet those goals.

"You vs. Them": Shifting the Spotlight

Yes, your personal story is inspiring, but your clients signed up to work with you for the transformation THEY desire for themselves. While sharing your experiences can be helpful at times, remember: make space for your clients to express themselves, integrate their emotions, and ultimately find their own path to healing.

Remember that your role as a healer is to support your clients to empower themselves, not to become the center of their story. By avoiding these common mistakes and prioritizing your clients' needs, you can create a truly impactful healing experience.

✨ Are you a new healer ready to elevate your practice? Our trauma-informed breathwork facilitator training equips you with powerful tools to guide clients on their healing journey. Learn evidence-based techniques to foster emotional release, self-discovery, and lasting transformation through the power of breath. Learn more:


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