REPLAY: Summer Solstice Breathwork with Shanila Sattar


You've felt this energy shift…?

There's a lot going on and it's important to stay rested and loved.

As you’re coming into summertime, you’re in the season of fire. But all fire is not created equal. There’s slow burns and simmering fires, and there’s big wildfires. Things are going to keep igniting.

It’s going to be important to notice what TYPE of fire you’re working with this season and if there’s certain things in your life that require a different type. Fire+Fire = burnout. Remember?

So come breathe with me for this massive Solstice energy. Let's lean into this fire energy in the right way.

Summer Solstice Breathwork Session with Shanila Sattar

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Shanila Sattar is the founder of Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training, author of Breathe, a 4th generation sound healer, women’s researcher, national speaker, and host of a Top 6 podcast, The Playground. She is the creator of AlwaysPlay Studios and The Integrative Healing Academy, where she trains sound healers, breathwork facilitators, and mentors aspiring healers in the healing arts.


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REPLAY: Season of Air Breathwork with Shanila Sattar