Release These Energies as a Healer

If you’re a healing arts practitioner such as a coach, healer, therapist, or doula, chances are you're pouring your heart and soul into showing up for your clients. But how are you showing up for yourself? What might be holding you back, keeping you from showing up for your clients from your own place of power? If any of these energies are holding you back, it’s time to let them go.

Self-doubt and Imposter Syndrome: Recognize that these feelings are common, but don't let them define you. Celebrate your successes, embrace your unique gifts, and remember that you're constantly learning and growing. Make it a habit to affirm your strengths daily and focus on the positive impact you're making.

Fear: If it's fear of failure, judgement, or the unknown, fear can hold you back. Acknowledge your fears, explore their roots, and step courageously into your power. Mindfulness practices like breathwork and meditation can help you to stay grounded in the present moment and visualize your success.

Anger and Judgment: Holding onto anger or judgment towards yourself or others is draining. Practice forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance to cultivate a more peaceful inner state. Engage in activities that promote emotional release, such as journaling, tapping, and you guessed it … breathwork!

Self-Sabotage and Low Self-Worth: These patterns often stem from unresolved past experiences. Be kind to yourself, challenge negative self-talk, and prioritize self-care to rebuild your confidence. If you’re called to, consider working with mentor, coach, or therapist to support you in addressing deeper, underlying issues.

Over-Giving and "Not Enoughness": It's important to set healthy boundaries and prioritize your own needs. You really can't pour from an empty cup, so make sure to regularly replenish your energy to avoid burnout. Schedule regular time for your Self-care and be okay with saying “no” when you need to.

Wanting to Fix Everyone: Remember that you're a guide, not a savior. Empower your clients to discover their own solutions and trust their innate wisdom. Ask empowering questions and encourage self-reflection.

Resistance to Learning and Help: There’s always something new to learn, or skills to add to your toolkit. The key here is to stay curious, be open to new perspectives, and be okay with being a beginner! Commitment to honing your craft and giving yourself permission to indulge your curiosities is a strength! Commit to continuing education and join a mentor or peer group for support.

Thinking You're "Done Healing": Healing is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Embrace your own continuous growth and evolution as a model for your clients. Assess your own energetic, spiritual, emotional, and physical needs regularly. Make adjustments to your replenishment rituals as necessary. What might have worked for you 3 months ago may not work for you anymore, and that’s okay!

Not Practicing What You Preach: Your clients are watching you. When you embody the principles you teach, you create a powerful example that inspires trust and confidence. When you practice self-care, set healthy boundaries, and demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges, you empower your clients to do the same.

By releasing these energies, you'll step into your full potential as a healer, creating a ripple effect of powerful transformations.

✨ Interested in adding breathwork to your healer’s toolkit? Join our breathwork certification. Learn more at


Embodiment as a Trauma-Informed Healer


Breathwork can be ORGASMIC