REPLAY: Chakras and Breathwork with Madison Campbell

Let's explore the area of our bodies' energy centres in depth. As we use the power of the breath to raise our consciousness level to what is causing these imbalances, we will proceed through each chakra system to identify any imbalances and create more flow in our energy system.

Chakras & Breathwork Session with Madison Campbell

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This article was contributed by student Flow Breathwork Facilitator, Madison Campbell

Hello, my name is Mady. I'm an Australian First Nations woman currently residing in England. As a reflector, I'm not fond of labeling myself as one thing, but I am an online coach that helps women heal through a variety of modalities. I'm thrilled to share my transmission with you all because breathwork has been a tremendous tool in my own and my clients' healing journeys.


REPLAY: Trinity Alignment Breathwork with Valerie Kelley


REPLAY: Tapping into Your Inherent Self-Worth with Jenn Berkelmans