Flow Breathwork Facilitator Student Spotlight Series: Britney Behenna

Meet Britney Behenna of @nativerootshealing

🌟 Britney says: I'm an energy worker, breathwork facilitator, intuitive reader, mama, wife, and so much more. I help people dive in deep, let go of bullshit beliefs, and align with who they're truly meant to be. Learning to heal through motherhood and marriage.

🌟 In this convo we talked about

  1. letting surrendering control and finding balance between the doing and receiving

  2. training amongst a group of women in @breathworkfacilitatortraining who co-created a container of safety where deep conversations and shares could take place

  3. deciding to deepen herself in Flow Breathwork Facilitator training to uplevel her former training

Listen to our full conversation here.

Become a certified breathwork facilitator: www.flowbreathworktraining.com


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