REPLAY: Attitude of Gratitude Breathwork with Shanila Sattar

Tonight our theme is attitude of gratitude and I'm taking us in a seated flow breathwork to connect our body and breath. Gratitude, is essentially the act of expressing gratefulness towards what you have in your life. BUT saying you're grateful vs. BEING and FEELING grateful are two whole separate stories. How do we tap into feeling the benefits of gratitude rather than creating a “10 things I'm grateful for” list that have no energy behind it?

I'll tell you tonight!

Attitude of Gratitude Breathwork Session with Shanila Sattar

Interested to become a certified flow breathwork facilitator?
Join us for Sunday night breathwork with certified facilitators.
Our free community of self exploration.

Shanila Sattar is the founder of Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training, author of Breathe, a 4th generation sound healer, women’s researcher, national speaker, and host of a Top 6 podcast, The Playground. She is the creator of AlwaysPlay Studios and The Integrative Healing Academy, where she trains sound healers, breathwork facilitators, and mentors aspiring healers in the healing arts.


REPLAY: Eclipse Season Breathwork with Shanila Sattar


REPLAY: Shifting Through Timelines Breathwork with Shanila Sattar