BIPOC Healing Circle

A gathering of BIPOC community to connect, share, and heal together. 

This space is intended for conversations and collective connection within the BIPOC community. From discussion of culture, representation, joy, freedom, let's see where the conversations take us!

In our very first call, space is limited to keep the intimacy of the space.

We'll meet for 1 hour and practice seeing and being seen. 

This is hosted by AlwaysPlay Studios and Shanila Sattar.

Register here

Interested to become a certified flow breathwork facilitator?
Join us for Sunday night breathwork with certified facilitators.
Our free community of self exploration.

Shanila Sattar is the founder of Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training, author of Breathe, a 4th generation sound healer, women’s researcher, national speaker, and host of a Top 6 podcast, The Playground. She is the creator of AlwaysPlay Studios and The Integrative Healing Academy, where she trains sound healers, breathwork facilitators, and mentors aspiring healers in the healing arts.


Inner Flow Breathwork with Shanila


Why Do We Yawn During Breathwork?