Cycle Syncing with Feminine Wellness Coach Jodi

Are you living in a go-go-go hustle culture that feels misaligned with your natural energy rhythms? Are you feeling more stressed and anxious than ever before? If so, you're not alone. But there is a way to tap into your own energy cycles and use them to your advantage. In this blog post, we'll explore how embodying feminine rhythms can benefit your well-being and help you feel more in flow.


In episode 249 of the Playground Podcast, we hear from Jodi Campbell, a wellness coach who works with women to help them align with their natural energy cycles. Jodi shares her own experience of feeling misaligned while working in a corporate sales job and trying to get her coaching business off the ground. She realized that her corporate job was the exact opposite of what she was trying to teach women and used that to her advantage to find ways to help women in similar situations.

Jodi discovered breathwork and the power of embodiment practices to help women get out of the state of fight or flight and tap into their natural energy cycle. She found that stress was one of the biggest issues for women falling out of alignment and started tuning into her own cycle thinking. She discovered that there were different phases of her cycle when she was more internal and reflective and other times when she was feeling more sexy and silly and wanted to move her body.

What are Feminine Rhythms?

Feminine rhythms are the natural ebb and flow of a woman's monthly cycle. It's not just about menstruation, but the entire monthly cycle. Understanding and utilizing these rhythms can be a powerful tool for well-being. Living with your cycles means there are times of the month when you'll be able to be a superstar and other times when you'll want to go internal. Embodying feminine rhythms means tuning into your body and allowing it to guide you.

How to Embody Feminine Rhythms

Embodying feminine rhythms involves living with your natural energy cycles. There are times of the month when you'll be able to be a superstar and other times when you'll want to go internal. It's important to understand your own cycle and adjust your activities based on your cycle phase. For example, during menstruation, you may want to take more time for reflection or rest. During ovulation, you may feel more sexy and energetic and want to move your body.

It's essential to listen to your body and allow it to guide you. This can be challenging in a society that values productivity and pushing through discomfort. Embodying feminine rhythms means tuning into your body and allowing it to guide you.

The Benefits of Embodying Feminine Rhythms

Embodying feminine rhythms can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote overall well-being. When you live in sync with your natural rhythms, you feel more in flow and do more with less effort. For women in particular, who may feel misaligned with the masculine-driven society we live in, embodying feminine rhythms can be a powerful tool for reclaiming their power and finding balance.

How to Get Started

Getting started with embodying feminine rhythms can be as simple as tracking your cycle and adjusting your activities based on your cycle phase. There are also many resources available, such as quizzes, breathwork videos, and consultation services.

Working with a practitioner who specializes in this area can also be helpful. They can offer guidance and support as you navigate your own energy cycles and help you find practices that work for you.


Embodying feminine rhythms can be a powerful tool for well-being. It involves tuning into your body and allowing it to guide you, rather than pushing through discomfort and stress. When you live in sync with your natural rhythms, you feel more in flow and do more with less effort. For women in particular, who may feel misaligned with the masculine-driven society we live in, embodying feminine rhythms can be a powerful tool for reclaiming their power and finding balance.

Take some time to explore this area further and find ways to tap into your own natural energy cycles. It may be challenging at first, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

Additional Resources


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